production templates
(too old to reply)
Gandalf Parker
2009-06-15 13:31:35 UTC
Does anyone have some examples of "production templates"?
The only example I can find does not fit my ideas of a good template.

Min Terraform (5) Factories (10) Mines (10) Max Terraform (1) Contribute
leftover resources on (X)

Does this mean the template should look like:
Min Terraform 5
Factories 10
Mines 10
Max Terraform 1
X on the contribute box?

Dont I need mines before factories? I need to have minerals to build with
dont I? Having factories above mines seems like it would hold off all
production at the beginning. Does that increase pop growth?

Gandalf Parker
2009-06-15 16:35:48 UTC
On Jun 15, 9:31 am, Gandalf Parker
Post by Gandalf Parker
Does anyone have some examples of "production templates"?
The only example I can find does not fit my ideas of a good template.
Min Terraform (5) Factories (10) Mines (10) Max Terraform (1) Contribute
leftover resources on (X)
Min Terraform 5
Factories  10
Mines  10
Max Terraform 1
X on the contribute box?
Dont I need mines before factories? I need to have minerals to build with
dont I? Having factories above mines seems like it would hold off all
production at the beginning. Does that increase pop growth?
Gandalf  Parker
so many questions...

1) you don't need mines before factories as you start with some G on
the surface of everyworld. the exception of course being those you
take from others who have already stip-mined the planet down to
nothing. this allows fastest resource growth, although with values of
"10" you will quickly be churning on research instead of building
things you need.

2) yes, you do need to have minerals to build with. but the trick is
to figure out how much, which depends on racial settings. 100 mines
with good settings may be enough. 200 might be better for average
racial settings. mineral concentrations play a factor as well. ah,
the joys of micromanagement. do you want to build ships while you are
growing, or just mines? what kind of ships? how many, how often?

3) this does not increase population growth, but it does increase
resource growth. remember jason cawley? he wrote a series of long
treatises on how this game is all about resources. the current game
of "dig it" not withstanding.

one "standard" might look like this:
Min Terraform 5
Factories 10
Mines 10
Factories 100
Mines 100
Max Terraform 1
X on the contribute box

but I wouldn't use it. usually.

hope to see you in a game soon. Art Lathrop, Chris Spagnoli, Jason
Crawley, et al. as well. but that's just wishful thinking.

2009-06-19 10:43:45 UTC
Post by Gandalf Parker
Does anyone have some examples of "production templates"?
For a +f races on virtually any planet:
- auto 1040 factories (ctrl+shift double click "auto factories")
- auto 1040 mines
- auto 100 max terra
- auto 100 defenses
- When planet's production gets over x00 res add x auto terra on top
of the queue
- For HP races keep queue as is. They need facories more than pop.
- On germ-poor planets move "auto 1040 factories" at the bottom of
the queue or remove it completely.

For -f races:
- auto 100 max terra (they need good planets to breed more pop to get
more resources)
- auto 100 defenses
- 1040 auto mines
- When planet's production gets over x00 res add x auto terra on top
of the queue

For the AR:
- auto 100 max terra (they need good planets to get more resources
and to breed more pop)

HTH and

BR, Iztok

And good help me with spam now when my e-mail is public again ;-)
2009-06-19 10:48:05 UTC

And BTW get to AH forum http://starsautohost.org/sahforum/
for better discussion. RGCS is now just a dead archive.

BR, Iztok
